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Infant Early Childhood Outreach Slides
Would you like to share about Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health as part of your work? Feel free to use this PowerPoint Presentation as a guide! If you do use the presentation to share, would you let SCIMHA know? We are really interested in how far and wide our message spreads! 
See thumbnails of the presentation slides below.

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Are you a Home Visitor who is interested in seeking Endorsement? Check out this webinar to learn more!
IECMH Endorsement Overview for Home Visitors
Recorded January 16, 2019

There's no such thing as a baby: What policymakers should know about early childhood mental health
Jordana Ash, Early Childhood Mental Health Director in the Office of Early Childhood, part of the Colorado Department of Human Services, talks about brain development, resilience on this podcast, and what she wishes health care providers and policymakers knew about early childhood mental health.
Recorded January 18, 2019

SC Programs and Services

ABC Quality: The ABC Quality standards for child care programs focus largely on practices and policies that promote relationship-based care that promotes social-emotional health

A Child's Haven: Therapeutic Child Care; organization that treats children with developmental delays as a result of limited resources, abuse, or neglect, and provides support and education for both the child and their families.

BabyNet: BabyNet is South Carolina’s interagency early intervention system for infants and toddlers under three years of age with developmental delays, or who have conditions associated with developmental delays. 

Children's Place: Therapeutic Child Care; Mission - to protect, heal, and strengthen children and families from the impact of trauma in their lives through education, treatment and prevention services.

Children's Trust:  The only statewide organization focused on the prevention of child abuse, neglect and injury. Offers the "Strengthening Families" and "Triple P" parenting interventions. 

Chrysalis Center: Behavioral Health Services including Family Therapy

Dee Norton Children’s Advocacy Center: A comprehensive abuse prevention, treatment, and advocacy center serving the lowcountry of South Carolina. 

Family Connections: Making connections, raising awareness, and promoting inclusion for those with disabilities and special healthcare needs.

First Steps: Helps young children prepare for school through programs that provide early intervention, strengthen families, improve children’s health and well-being, increase the quality of early care and education, and help transition rising kindergarteners into school. 

Help Me Grow: A program that links families to existing, community-based resources and services for children at-risk for developmental, behavioral, or learning problems.

MUSC Boeing Center For Children's Wellness: The MUSC Boeing Center for Children’s Wellness addresses children’s
 health and development from birth through adolescence. 

Nurse Family Partnership: A home visiting model of parent support offered through SC Department of Health and Environmental Control

Parent Child Interaction Therapy: A clinic-based therapy program for children 2-7 years old with conduct disorder; offered through the SC Department of Mental Health, MUSC, and USC School of Medicine

Phoenix Center: Therapeutic Child Care; Mission - to assist the citizens of Greenville County and the surrounding area in the prevention, treatment and recovery from substance use disorders by offering effective and affordable services.

Project BEST: An MUSC initiative offering trauma-focused cognitive behavior therapy which is designed to treat children and youth who are victims of sexual abuse or who have been exposed to trauma.

Pyramid Model: The Pyramid framework is used to promote the social emotional competence of children birth to age five in the context of nurturing relationships and quality learning environments, led by the SC Department of Education.

SC Childcare Inclusion Collaborative: The South Carolina Child Care Inclusion Collaborative (SCIC) provides individualized training and technical assistance for child care providers to support the inclusion of children with disabilities/developmental delays in child care programs.

SC Child Care Resource & Referral Network: The SC Child Care Resource & Referral Network helps parents find child care by providing referrals to local child care providers, information on state licensing requirements, information on availability of child care subsidies, and Information on quality child care indicators.

SC Continuum of Care: Provides High Fidelity Wraparound, a care planning process that is integrated, multi-agency, and community-based.

SC Department of Disabilities and Special Needs: SCDDSN is the state agency that plans, develops, oversees and funds services for South Carolinians with severe, lifelong disabilities of intellectual disability, autism, traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury and conditions related to each of these four disabilities.

SC Department of Health and Environmental Control: DHEC is charged with promoting and protecting the health of the public and the environment in South Carolina. 

SC Department of Health and Human Services: SCDHHS's mission is to purchase the most health for our citizens in need at the least possible cost to the taxpayer. Medicaid is South Carolina's aid program by which the federal and state governments share the cost of providing medical care for needy persons who have low income.

SC Department of Mental Health: Our mission is to support the recovery of people with mental illnesses. 

South Carolina Department of Social Services: SC DSS's mission is to serve SC by promoting the safety, permanency, and well-being of children and vulnerable adults, helping individuals achieve stability and strengthening families.

SC Department of Social Services, Division of Early Care and Education serves to make child care more available and affordable to parents, and to increase the quality of care for all children in the state.

SC Program for Infant and Toddler Care: The SCPITC promotes responsive, relationship-based approach to infant/toddler care.

SC Thrive: a statewide nonprofit offering solutions to South Carolinians in need of resources but facing a multitude of barriers.

WICa nutrition program that provides health education, healthy foods, breastfeeding support, and other services free of charge to South Carolina families who qualify.

National and International Partners and Resources

WAIMH's mission promotes education, research, and study of the effects of mental, emotional and social development during infancy on later normal 

and psychopathological development through international and interdisciplinary cooperation, publications, affiliate associations, and through regional and biennial congresses devoted to scientific, educational, and clinical work with infants and their caregivers.

The Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health® is a global organization that includes those states and countries whose infant mental health associations have licensed the use of the workforce development tools, Competency Guidelines®and Endorsement for Culturally Sensitive, Relationship-Focused Practice Promoting Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health®, under their associations’ names.

SC Program for Infant and Toddler Care promotes responsive, relationship-based approach to infant/toddler care.

The positions advocated by the South Carolina PITC  are based in sound child development and family support research, theory and practice. The SCPITC is adapted from the Program for Infant/Toddler Care in California at the WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies which is recognized nationally and internationally for their effective training strategies emphasizing an approach that encourages self-reflection and builds on the strengths of individual programs and teachers.

National Child Traumatic Stress Network Learning Center offers free online education with 300+ FREE CE certificates,
50+ speakers, and 200+ online webinars.

Sesame Street In Communities: When a child endures a traumatic experience, the whole family feels the impact.

But adults hold the power to help lessen its effects. Several factors can change the course of kids’ lives: feeling seen and heard by a caring adult, being patiently taught coping strategies and resilience-building techniques, and being with adults who know about the effects of such experiences. Here are ways to bring these factors to life.

The Fred Rogers Center: Simple InteractionsHuman connection is the simple active ingredient in any developmental relationship with a child. Through Simple Interactions, we empower and uplift children’s caregivers.

ZERO TO THREE functions to ensure that all babies and toddlers have a strong
start in life. They envision a society that has the knowledge and will to support all inf
ants and toddlers in reaching their full potential.

At the Harvard Center on the Developing Child, the science of early childhood is
a source of new ideas that could be used to develop more effective policies &services focused on the early years of life. 

Dr. Terrie Rose: From the Baby's Point of View
Looking for solutions to the yawning achievement gap for children in poverty, Terrie Rose sees the path of success through the eyes of babies. Because toxic stress, she shows us, influences the abilities of babies to form relationships, manage emotions and learn, with life long consequences, she shares a holistic understanding of mental health and the pathway for success. Terrie Rose, PhD, LP, Founder and Executive Director, Baby's Space, Minneapolis, Minnesota,

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